Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Need A Little Help, Friends

I am doing some informal research on how easy or how difficult it is for people to "be themselves" in small groups. Could you describe yourself in that area?

If possible, I would love to hear your story about why it's "no problem" for you to open up in a group. Or why do you it terribly difficult to open up?

If, for the sake your your privacy, you would prefer to email me your story, please do so at the following address:

sam (at) stoneridgechurch (dot) com.

I will not use your information in any embarrassing way. I will not identify you if I tell a portion of your story (unless you give me permission in advance).



Unknown said...

If the group is a small group and you've been together for awhile i find it not a problem. I think when you understand that we all will fall short and need Gods help and the help , support and guidence of a small group can really give you a peace that there is always someone for you to talk to. I love my small group and it is my second family in many ways. If you dont belong to one i encourage you to find one that fits your daily routine.

Rachel Cotterill said...

I heard a quote when I was very young, something along the lines of "some people will like you and some won't, so you may as well be yourself, then at least the people who like you, like you." That's always stuck with me.

I find it easy to be myself in a group for the simple reason that I have nothing to hide, and I think I'm an "ok" person... not the best person in the world, not perfect by any means, but I don't have a problem with who I am. Plus I'd find it hard to be anyone else!

Ox said...

I know for me it took nearly six months to open up. I always wanted to be at small group and looked forward to it every week. For me, there was a level of trust that had to be built with all members. When that trust was established, the flood gates were opened. It's a beautiful thing to see and how God pulls the group towards the person that is struggling. I have never seen nothing like it.

Mike and Mary Ellen said...

For me it depends on the small group. I must admit when I helped lead a small group in my home I found it easy to hit the surface stuff and issues with children but the deep - this is my pain, this is my shame stuff. Nope - never felt that comfortable.
Now - I was part of the CR ministry and our step group was definitely a 'small group' - and there I had no problems opening up. We all had a shared thread and complete trust. Found a lot of grace and love with those ladies - still do!
- Mary Ellen