Monday, July 20, 2009

These kids were getting ready for vbs to start.

They learned today not to be afraid. Not one of them was eaten by a crockigator.

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Sunday, July 19, 2009

A Swamp Story

You may not hear from me this week. Maybe a little. Maybe not at all.

You see, I'll be somewhere down in a Bayou. Never mind that the Bayou is our church campus and it's over 110 degrees every day. (We did get a bit of a storm yesterday and perhaps 1/10 of an inch of rain, but that's another story.) It's VBS week at Stone Ridge and I'll be wrestlin' crockogators (or, is it allidiles?).

If I can fight off the water moccasins, I'll try to give you an update.

Swat them 'skeeters!