Monday, August 24, 2009

Waking Up With A Smile

After three Sunday morning sermons, my brain just about ceases to function on Sunday afternoons. The "traditional" Sunday afternoon nap (do you do that in other countries?) was taken yesterday out of raw necessity. It was like I passed out for a solid hour.

Awaking, I got out of bed and stumbled my way into the living room. Before I even sat down, Cathy's phone rang and in was our Boston daughter wanting to know if we could talk on the video cam.

The moment of the connection, we could hear our two-year-old granddaughter, M, explain to her mom (in very adult fashion), "If Sampa is taking a nap, I can just talk to Grammy."

My paternal grandparents lived less than 100 miles away when I was growing up. The most consistent way to communicate with them was via the U.S. Mail. Now we can visit grandchildren well over 1,000 miles away at the click of a button.

And, yesterday, seeing that beautiful little face sure gave me a smile as I shook the cobwebs from my brain.

Never mind that she mostly wanted Grammy!



Grandchildren are a gift from God
In this age of families being all over the country/world, video cams are a great way to keep families "together". Who'da thunk it when we were children (I guess Walt Disney did...)

beckiwithani said...


Unknown said...

Thanks, Chewie. And, Amen!

Becki, :o)