Wednesday, August 26, 2009

I got belted!

Thank you to all who took time to congratulate Cathy and me on our 37th Wedding Anniversary yesterday! Here's today's story, which actually took place on our way home from dinner last night.

Let me tell you about belts. They used to make real, honest-to-goodness, long-lasting leather belts. Like the one still wearable that hangs in my closet -- I bought it during the summer before we got married! Every time I consider throwing it away, I realize that it's in pretty good shape and I hang on to it. I wear it several times a year.

Then, there are the belts you buy today. They are beautiful, They are leather. They retail at major department stores for about 25 bucks. And they usually last me something like four months! I'm not THAT hard on belts. They just fall apart! The leather separates. Sometimes I think it's really cardboard will a shiny plastic coating. This is all no exaggeration. YOU know!

So, when I bought another one at at Kohls almost a year ago AND it's still in pretty good shape, I started watching their ads for my next purchase. Well, Cathy asked me the other day if I needed anything from there. She had a coupon for $10 off a purchase of $20 or more. "YES!" I replied. "I need a belt."

When we stopped there yesterday evening, I was glad to walk with Cathy to the men's belt racks and see a sign for 20% off. Coupon in hand, I double checked the size I was wearing (the belt I bought there last year) and starting looking through one rack while Cathy looked at another. Finally seizing upon just the one I wanted, I was ready to leave.

"Do you need any more?" Cathy inquired.

The sale wasn't that good and we had only one coupon. I turned to where she was looking and right next to us was a final markdown rack including a whole bunch of belts, about half of them my size. All name brands and reasonably good quality, the price was (ta-DA!) 90% off!

We kept finding more, double-checking what we already had and finally bought ten of them -- for the price of one. (Oh, I also bought the original one -- it's what I came for.)

I think I'll mark my calendar. You see, I think that 37 years from now I just might still be wearing that belt I bought in the Summer of '72.

I will want to see if any of those 11 make it that long!



Guess I was too early yesterday 'cause your post wasn't posted yet - so Happy Anniversary to you both. GREAT JOB!
Who wears a belt?!!!let alone 10 of them!!!!!

C. Beth said...

Wow, I am very impressed! I love deals like that....

C. Beth said...

(I also like the idea of you still being around 37 years from now, when you're 94.)

Unknown said...

Thanks, Chewie for the Anniversary words. What do you mean, you don't wear a belt?

Beth, perhaps when I'm 94, I can dance with your mom at your granddaughter's wedding!


How cool would that be - dancing at your GREAT granddaughters wedding! What an awesome thought... provided the creek don't rise and Jesus hasn't come back yet...............
I only wear a belt on the few pants that are too big... they are such a bother!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations, Sam. You are the first person I have ever known who has bought themselves a life-time supply of belts! Love this story. (We have a Kohl's close. Hubby may need to run over and check out THEIR belts!)