Saturday, February 21, 2009

Saturday Selection

Hey, it's Saturday. And what your you doing? You're sitting here reading this blog!

It's my experience that people who read blogs do so because they are interested in a) a certain type of reading material or b) the writing of a particular author. Whatever your reason for reading Dwell & Cultivate, if you're new around here, Saturday is my day to recharge my writing batteries.

And to recommend another blog to you. Today's selection has taken off like a popularity rocket ship for one reason: it's a blog not so much about the author as about the reader. In fact, you the reader become a part of the writing by answering a simple question. BUT, you only get one minute!

Try out The One Minute Writer. Who knows? By next week, you may start your own blog!

p.s. Yes, it's my daughter's blog! I'm recommending it because it's such a creative idea. And I'm proud of her for creating it!

1 comment:

C. Beth said...

Wow, I just saw this! Thanks, Dad! Love you!