Friday, February 20, 2009

The Magic Words Are...

...please and THANK YOU!

It's funny how much it helps us when we develop an attitude of gratitude. The choice to notice and express our thankfulness stretches our hearts.

That choice can literally transform the attitude of those we take time to thank. This is a day of thanks at Stone Ridge, the church I pastor. Tonight we take time to play, laugh and tell stories as we say "Thank You" to our several hundred volunteers who freely give of themselves to serve others.

My wife Cathy coordinates this event and our staff and their immediate families do the work. The food is always great and the entertainment is often hilarious. Our goal is to personally say, "Thank you for serving!" to each of our volunteers. Some of them tell us that they have served in churches for years and no one ever took the time to thank them before.

So, if you volunteer at SRC, I hope I see you tonight! If you can't be there, thank you for serving. If you are there, I pray that you will leave with a full heart.

Because I know that mine will be overflowing!


Scriptor Senex said...

I fnd it amazing the difference a simple thank you can make to one's day. Holding open a door to the person at the supermarket - "Thank you", they say with a smile. How warm that makes one feel on a cold day.

C. Beth said...

Such a wonderful way to thank your volunteers--and I know how many hours Mom puts into coordinating it. Maybe some day we'll be there to experience it.