Thursday, January 29, 2009

You Say Goodbye And I Say Hello

We said "Goodbye" to C. Beth, Chickie and Zoodle yesterday. Cathy was nominated as "Grammy Of The Year" because of all the fun she packed into a week with grandkids. I even ate ice cream! We laughed, sang and danced. Grammy taught Chickie the "proper" way to eat olives...

Zoodle got rather shy amidst all the strangers at church Sunday. Sampa took advantage of it...
AND we went to the park. Riding the slide with grandkids beats every roller coaster I ever rode!

When they arrived home, The Engineer was there to pick them up. I wish I could have seen their excited reunion.

Thanks for letting me celebrate with you!


Sandra said...

I love this post, Sam. Because I love grandchildren -- my own and yours too. They really are the frosting on the cake, aren't they.

A week of many new memories, I'm sure.

Dina said...

Thanks for sharing! Reading your post makes me excited for the next time our little lady gets to see her grandparents. As young parents, there is something so special about seeing the relationship develop between your kids and your parents. Saying goodbye is especially hard when you live far apart and don't get to see each other as often as you'd like - as I'm sure you can probably relate to. :)

C. Beth said...

I actually think Zoodle's cuddliness on Sunday was less due to shyness and more to the fact that, as we found out early the next morning, he was coming down with a bug.

Sorry to the other kiddos in the nursery.... :)