Thursday, October 15, 2009

Drivin' Back The Enemy!

It's rare, but I need to communicate in a different way, today...

Do you think they will want to burn this blog?


Ranelle said...

Amazing . . . and not in a good way!

C. Beth said...

WOW. I respect their right to believe as they do, and even to burn those books. But I find it sad how this undermines the unity of the Church.

Yes, I think your blog would definitely be suspect! Be glad they're not talking about burning people at the stake; you'd have to hide!

beckiwithani said...

Didst thou not knoweth that Jesus spaketh in King James English(eth)? (Too bad all the Aramaic and Hebrew speakers around him couldn't tell what he was saying.)

Unknown said...

Thanks to all. Becki, your mom and I are LOL!

Julie said...

Wow, I'm speachless... I just keep waiting for the "just kidding" at the end...

Toni said...

Stuff like this gives Christians a bad name. I wish they wouldn't publicize their ridiculousness.

(Stopped by from a link in my google/reader.)