Tuesday, September 1, 2009

The Messies

A lot of us avoid the Messies. The Messies are those people. You know, the ones whose lives are so...

...well, so messed up!

Take the guy who stopped in to my office recently. He has messed everything up. Let me tell you, his mess is a doozy! He's so messed up that he wants to change!

He has found out that it will be impossible to clean up his mess by himself. Now, that's a problem! Who would ever want to help him?

Mmmmmm, how about a Small Group? A group filled with other Messies? Yeah, they will know what to do! They are all getting "cleaner" -- helping each other with one mess at a time.

I'm sure glad they all took Step Two: Grow Together Relationally!

p.s. Happy birthday to you,
Happy birthday to you,
Happy birthday, Beth and Becki,
Happy birthday to you!




C. Beth said...

Thanks for the song! :)