Monday, June 8, 2009

I like to...

One of our men came up to me at church Sunday. Out of the blue he said, "I may get myself in trouble for this, but if you ever need someone to cook pancakes on a griddle for a group, it's something I love to do. I even have a large griddle that can also be used for grilling meat. I can take it on location and cook for big groups."

I said, "We're having the Vacation Bible School for a mission church later this month. It's about 60 miles from here and we plan to have food." He didn't say, "No." He must really like to do it!

Hmmmmm. Do you just reckon that cooking could be this guys passion? Oh, yeah!

What's yours?


Isabella said...

I had to giggle. I know some people like to cook, but he was so specific on what he wanted to do. You'll have to let us know how tasty those pancakes are. :)

I love organizing, specifically office spaces (which is interesting since our home office needs so much attention right now). Color coding, sorting,'s so much fun for me.

C. Beth said...

Okay, I posted yesterday and Blogger apparently ate the comment. Let's try again.

I am passionate about being creative. In the past that was acting; it probably will be again, but that's tough with kids. So writing has become a creative outlet. I love that I can write daily--it's sometimes more of a discipline and sometimes more of a pleasure, but overall it makes me feel more complete, because that creative side of me is being utilized.

Rachel Cotterill said...

I love travelling and seeing new things (even if they're things that might be boring to other people!). I do also love cooking - but I find making pancakes for more than about 4 people quite stressful :)

Unknown said...

Isabella and Rachel, could you work together and whip up pancakes for 400? Isabella can organize and Rachel and cook in an organized, stress-free environment.

Beth can dramatically read while we're eating!

Let's set a date on our Google Calendars. :)

C. Beth said...

I'm there! I like pancakes! :)