Thursday, November 27, 2008

I'm Thankful

I begin my long list today with the most recent and move back in time.

I am thankful for the following...
  • I got to watch our granddaughter Molly make cookies with her Grammy yesterday.
  • Trying to take an afternoon nap yesterday, I was constantly interrupted by the sound of contagious laughter. Cathy and our daughter Becki were in stitches as they visited Cake Wrecks.
  • Our son Sean took a huge step of faith and took a full load of college science courses (he already has a degree in Theatre) because he wants to get into medical school. He still maintains a full-time job. All this, while his wife Betsy is in a tough PhD program in psychology AND she works, too. We are proud of them and thankful for their hard work.
  • Our daughter Beth, whom most of you know through her blog brings us great joy. We are thankful for her husband, The Engineer, and our grandkids you know as Chickie and Zoodle.
  • Beth's twin sister Becki balances life as a busy mommy to Molly, wife to Donal, and middle/high school science teacher.
  • I am grateful particularly that each of our children married wonderful mates who care for them and show them unconditional love. It would be hard for a dad to want more for his kids.
  • I am blessed with a wonderful family history, having been taught love, respect and hard work from parents who lived their faith daily. Dad went to heaven in 1990, but mom is now 82 and still quite healthy. She inspires me.
  • Cathy's folks, Bob and Joyce, are like another set of parents to me. I am forever grateful that I got to meet, love and marry a daughter they raised. I wish you all could know them.
  • My church family, Stone Ridge Church, of Yuma, Arizona, is vibrant, alive and real. Walking the faith journey with them is one of life's highest privileges.
  • My extended church family, made up of scores of churches and thousands of believers in the Dominican Republic, keep teaching me by example what it means to Love Jesus Passionately.
  • Our nation, with all its faults, is a place made free through the blood of many thousands who saw a cause worth living for. Those who died did so, not at the whim of a raging despot, but with a choice to protect our freedom.
I have saved the best for last. This is the 37th Thanksgiving I have shared with my bride. In so many ways, it seems like yesterday that we were just starting out. I have been blessed with God's very best by being able to marry Cathy. Thank you, darlin', for being you.

Next spring marks 49 years since the day I went forward in a church service and said to Brother Stirling, "I want to dedicate my life to the Lord." There's no way an eight-year-old boy can understand those words. However, by His grace, He began to change me from the inside out. He must receive the ultimate thanks from me this day for my entire life is the result of His blessing. His abiding presence, His constant forgiveness paid for by the sacrifice of His Son, and His unconditional love mean more to me each year. Thank You, Abba!

To you, who have joined me on this journey, thank you for your encouragement and sharpening. I will not meet many of you in person, but I am grateful for you.

Happy Thanksgiving!


Anonymous said...

Wow Sam! Your list gives the impression that not only are you a happy man but also you appreciate all the big and small blessings God has bestowed upon you.
To me the key to happiness is this- being content and being thankful for all that you have achieved in life. And I percieve that you are a Happy Man :)

Though I am not visiting your blog for the first time but yes I am commenting on your post for the first time.

Hope to see you on my blog too ;-)

A Perfect Summer Day

C. Beth said...

I had to blink a lot at the end so that I could keep reading through my tears.

I'm so thankful for you, Dad. Thank you for showing God to me, when I was a kid and still today.

J Trout said...
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J Trout said...

Thank you, and have a joyful day with your family and friends. I have a lot to be thankful for also, and I am counting those blessing more and more every day. My Lord, My kids, my home, my family both here and far away, my friends, and to my husband, of 5 1/2 years, I thank for teaching me about the simpler things in life that are truly the most important. Happiness is right in front of most people if they will just take time to look a little more closely.

Sandra said...

A beautiful list of thankfulness, Sam. Very eloquent and heart-felt.

SandyaS said...

That was very beautiful.Reading this I guess I would also start celebrating it, though we dont have this day in this part of the world. Really, that was a very beautiful note and am sure your daughter and wife will be very proud of all that you do. Have a wonderful Day!